Private Ultrasound Scans London

Pelvic Ultrasound Scan

Pelvic area or a lower abdominal area ultrasound in women helps with diagnosing a wide variety of issues women might be experiencing- ranging from abnormal bleeding, heavy or irregular periods, bleeding between periods, bleeding after sex, bleeding with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or post-menopausal bleeding to the symptoms of PCOs - polycystic ovaries, as well as ovarian cancer screening.

Instant ultrasound report and result explanation included.

Professional and Helpful

Private Ultrasound Scans London Icons

Instant Ultrasound Report

All our scans include the instant report and result explanation.

Private Ultrasound Scans London Icons Calendar

Easy Online Booking

Choose the appropriate scan from our list or contact us for advice

NHS Doctor

No Gp Referral Needed

There is no need to contact your GP for a referral to have scans

Private Ultrasound Scans London Icons Baby

Same Day Appointment

Many slots are available on the same day. Call us now

Well Woman Pelvic Ultrasound Scan

FAQ answered - Well Woman Pelvic Ultrasound Scan

What is a Pelvic Scan?

Performed trans-abdominally with full bladder or trans-vaginally with empty bladder, pelvic scan is used to assess the pelvic area for a wide range of issues and symptoms women are experiencing at various stages of their lives.

You might be concerned over
  • heavy and painful menstrual cycle,
  • symptoms of PCOs- polycystic ovaries,
  • discomfort, bloating and pain in the area,
  • urinary tract infections and issues
  • irregular bleeding between periods or
  • the correct placement of an intrauterine device (IUD) or assessment of it

We provide the same day specialist appointments to help you diagnose and manage it.

What will the scan examine?

Pelvic scan will focus on examining your:
  • Bladder
  • Uterus
  • Ovaries
We will be assessing those organs in order to look for
  • Cysts
  • Fibroids
  • Polyps

How is it performed?

Pelvic ultrasound is performed both externally via the lower abdomen as well as internally, as a trans-vaginal scan, where an ultrasound probe is gently inserted in order to provide most accurate diagnostics for organs including uterus, both ovaries and fallopian tubes. This is an entirely painless and safe procedure, although it might not sound as a most comfortable one. Our staff are there to  gently guide you and to ensure your comfort during the examination.

Please let us know if you are allergic to latex or have any concerns over trans-vaginal ultrasound.

TVS- trans-vaginal scan consent form

For the TVS scan, please fill this form this Consent Form.

What is included?

Following the scan you will be able to discuss your results and will be provided with:

  • Immediate full medical report
  • High resolution digital images of your scan

What are the preparations for this scan?

If you are looking to have your pelvic scan trans-abdominally (external) please drink up to 4 cups of water one hour before your appointment time. If you are opting for a TVS- trans-vaginal scan (internal) then no preparation is necessary. You must let us know if you are allergic to latex.
If you are on any medication or therapy or have diabetes, please let us know. You should continue to take your therapy / medications as normal.

Is someone available at the clinic to discuss further questions/ concerns after the scan?

Yes, an ultrasound specialist Doctor will be available to talk to if you have additional questions or concerns. They will also be able to recommend specialist Doctors in the Harley Street area should you need to see one following your scan.

How easy is to book an appointment?

We introduced an easy and user friendly online booking system for your convenience. We understand the pressures of our fast-lane lifestyles nowadays and strive to meet your busy schedule by offering a fast-track, same day appointments during weekdays and Saturdays, as well as 2 evening clinics on alternate days each week.

What is the Price


Easy to book
Pelvic Ultrasound Scan

We follow your schedule – choose the time that suits you.