Private Ultrasound Scans London

Fertility Scan

Whether you simply wish to check that the internal reproductive organs are functioning as expected, preparing to conceive or going through an IVF treatment, our fertility scans are custom-tailored to suit all women, whatever their fertility needs might be. From internal pelvic scans focusing on ovaries and uterus to follicle tracing and endometrium thickness, our Fertility scan will establish clarity and ensure your peace of mind.

Instant ultrasound report and result explanation included.

Professional and Helpful

Private Ultrasound Scans London Icons

Instant Ultrasound Report

All our scans include the instant report and result explanation.

Private Ultrasound Scans London Icons Calendar

Easy Online Booking

Choose the appropriate scan from our list or contact us for advice

NHS Doctor

No Gp Referral Needed

There is no need to contact your GP for a referral to have scans

Private Ultrasound Scans London Icons Baby

Same Day Appointment

Many slots are available on the same day. Call us now

Fertility Scan

FAQ answered - Fertility Scan questions

What is a Fertility scan?

A Fertility scan can be a general pelvic ultrasound. focusing on the uterus, ovaries and surrounding areas to establish if there is an underlying gynaecological problem which may affect your chances of conceiving naturally.

If you are already having a fertility treatment you may require regular scans to monitor your IVF cycle, in particular follicle tracking or to measure the endometrial thickness.

How is the Fertility scan performed?

This is an internal, trans-vaginal scan, which does not cause any pain or discomfort. The ultrasound probe is covered with a protective and hygienic latex probe cover, so please do let us know if you might be allergic to latex.

What will the scan examine?

  • Fibroids or adenomyosis within the uterine wall
  • Lining of the uterus
  • Uterine polyps

  • Polycystic ovaries (PCOS)
  • Large cysts or endometriosis
  • Absent ovaries
  • Absent follicles developing

Fallopian Tubes are also checked for any signs of blockage for IVF treatments.
  • Follicle tracking scans – This involves measurement of developing follicles within the ovaries throughout a cycle without ovulation induction. These measurements also include the endometrial thickness (lining of the uterus) as this will influence whether the embryo will be able to implant.
  • Luteal Cyst – This should develop in the second half of the cycle after ovulation and absence of a luteal cyst indicates no ovulation

What is included?

  • A full diagnostic report
  • For IVF clients having treatment abroad, we can provide printed images, or digital images on USB drive for additional £20.00

Is someone available at the clinic to discuss further questions/ concerns after the scan?

Yes, an ultrasound specialist Doctor will be available to talk to if you have additional questions or concerns. We will ask you to share the report with your own Doctor should you need to. We can also provide details of the highly regarded Gynaecologist we have been working with for many years, should you need any further advice and care.

What are the preparations for this scan?

No preparation is necessary

How easy is to book an appointment?

We introduced an easy and user friendly online booking system for your convenience. We understand the pressures of our fast-lane lifestyles nowadays and strive to meet your busy schedule by offering a fast-track, same day appointments during weekdays and Saturdays, as well as 2 evening clinics on alternate days each week.

What is the Price


Easy to book
Fertility Scan

We follow your schedule – choose the time that suits you.