Private Ultrasound Scans London
Hernia scan
A hernia scan is an ultrasound imaging of different types of hernia- soft or fatty tissue or an organ protruding through a defect in the abdominal wall muscle or a groin into surrounding tissues.
Instant ultrasound report and result explanation included.
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Hernia scan

MSK Consulting

FAQ answered - Hernia scan questions
What is a Hernia scan?
Hernia ultrasound scan is a painless examination by high-frequency sound waves, producing insight and images of the inside of the body.
Hernia occurs when a fatty or soft tissue, bowel or an organ protrudes through a weakness of the abdominal wall or groin into surrounding tissues.
The symptoms of hernia are usually a swelling or a lump felt when coughing or after exercise. Sometimes only pain is experienced at the site of a hernia with no palpable lump.
There are a number of different types of hernia:
There are a number of different types of hernia:
- inguinal (outer groin),
- femoral (inner groin).
- umbilical ( belly button)
- incisional (operation scar) or
- hiatus hernia in diaphragm
How is the Hernia scan performed?
This is an external scan, with an ultrasound probe gently gliding over the abdomen or groin, depending on the type of hernia.
The scan is completely safe, harmless and painless.
What will the scan examine?
The scan will diagnose and assess the extent of the issue, looking at
- the type of hernia – some types of hernias are more likely to become strangulated or cause a bowel obstruction than others
- the content of your hernia – if the hernia contains a part of your bowel, muscle or other tissue, there may be a risk of strangulation or obstruction
- your symptoms and the impact on your daily life – surgery may be recommended if your symptoms are severe or getting worse, or if the hernia is affecting your ability to carry out your normal activities
- your general health – surgery may be too much of a risk if your general health is poor
Who performs Hernia scan?
At Private Ultrasound clinic this type of scan is performed by an expert Consultants Radiologists.
What is included?
- An instant full medical report
- High resolution images in hard copy and digital
Is someone available at the clinic to discuss further questions/ concerns after the scan?
Yes, Consultant Radiologist Dr Harvey and an ultrasound specialist Doctor will be available to talk to if you have additional questions or concerns.
What are the preparations for this scan?
No preparations are necessary.
How easy is to book an appointment?
We introduced an easy and user friendly online booking system for your convenience.
We understand the pressures of our fast-lane lifestyles nowadays and strive to meet your busy schedule by offering a fast-track, same day appointments during weekdays and Saturdays, as well as 2 evening clinics on alternate days each week.
What is the Price