Private Ultrasound Scans London

Prostate Ultrasound Scan

A prostate ultrasound scan is performed in order to assess the prostate gland and its surrounding tissue for any signs of abnormalities and prostate-related conditions, including cancer.

Instant ultrasound report and result explanation included.

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Instant Ultrasound Report

All our scans include the instant report and result explanation.

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Prostate Ultrasound Scan

FAQ answered - Prostate Ultrasound Scan questions

What is a trans-rectal Prostate scan?

Prostate scan is an ultrasound examination, using high frequency sound to provide images of the prostate gland and the surrounding tissue.

Prostate scan is performed to assess size and structure of the prostate gland, in order to detect any abnormalities, cancer or other prostate-related conditions.

How is the Prostate scan performed?

A prostate ultrasound is performed internally, by gently inserting a small trans-rectal probe, slightly larger than a finger, via back passage to come close to prostate and obtain clear images.

Why have a Prostate scan?

Prostate scan is usually done or recommended by your Doctor if there is a family history of the prostate cancer or if you are experiencing the following symptoms:
  • having trouble urinating
  • finding blood in your urine
  • finding lumps or nodules (excess tissue) around your rectum
  • having abnormal results from a blood or urine test
  • or if you have a low sperm count (determined using fertility tests)

Enlarged prostate, also known as a hyperplasia is enlargement of prostate which can also be seen on an ultrasound scan.
Some men get enlarged prostate and difficulties urinating as they get older.

Can Prostate cancer be seen on a scan?

Yes, prostate cancer can be seen during scan but some may be occult. Biopsy, MRI and correlation with PSA blood test may  be recommended for further evaluation.

Who performs the Prostate scan?

At Private Ultrasound clinic this type of scan is performed by an expert Consultant Radiologist, Dr Chris Harvey. For more information on Dr Harvey and his expertise, please see the following page.

What is included in the Prostate scan?

  • An instant full medical diagnostic report
  • Free high resolution images, hard copy and digital

Is someone available at the clinic to discuss further questions/ concerns after the scan?

Yes, Consultant Radiologist and an ultrasound specialist Doctor will be available to talk to if you have additional questions or concerns.

What are the preparations for this scan?

No preparations is necessary.

How easy is to book an appointment?

We introduced an easy and user friendly online booking system for your convenience. We understand the pressures of our fast-lane lifestyles nowadays and strive to meet your busy schedule by offering a fast-track, same day appointments during weekdays and Saturdays, as well as 2 evening clinics on alternate days each week.

What is the Price


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Prostate Ultrasound Scan

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