16 Jul James Arthur Pops in to See Us for an ‘Early Pregnancy Scan’ at Private Ultrasound
James Arthur Pops in to See Us for an –
‘Early Pregnancy Scan’ at Private Ultrasound
James Arthur visited Private Ultrasound London in order to film his new video ‘Emily
We were so excited when Just Fred film production company got in touch to ask whether we could help and support the incredible artist James Arthur and his new video Emily.
They wanted to film our Doctor Vera at the clinic with James and his ‘partner’ having a baby ultrasound scan, all part of the beautiful story this video tells. Of course, we jumped with joy at this wonderful opportunity to support such an admired and incredible artist.
Then we found out that it was all going to be directed and filmed by none other than Peaky Blinders director – Anthony Byrne.
This special moment was further enhanced by having the loveliest model and actor Laura Mae as James’ ‘wife’, beautifully representing a young pregnant mum-to-be.
The shoot was a busy day – Dr. Vera got a proper actor treatment with the make-up artists making her look even lovelier than usual, doing her hair up into a cute little bun, and checking her wardrobe for perfection! It was – perfect!

The crew was busy prepping the ultrasound room, lighting it, jigging the cranes, checking cameras, batteries and bringing endless supplies of coffee and sushi. Director Anthony kept the good vibes going on with his charming presence, checking the baby ultrasound scan footage he was going to use and making sure he was happy with how everything was set up.
It was busy and lively and everyone was excited as James Arthur was about to arrive.
And once he did arrive – everything went quiet and it was as if some magic and calming wave went over us all – he was there and everyone was enjoying the moment.
Doctor Vera assumed her usual everyday scanning position, Laura Mae laid on the bed and James Arthur looked into her eyes and held her hand – like a real couple.

Like so many couples that we see every day at our clinic – sharing that powerful moment when they see their baby for the very first time.
The tear-jerking happiness of hearing that loud and powerful heartbeat of the tiny baby being very busy growing in its mummy’s tummy. And finally getting those first ultrasound images of your baby, holding them in your hands – just like in the Emily video.

Those are the moments we see every day with our pregnancy scans – from the early pregnancy ultrasound to the anatomy ultrasound, growth ultrasound, 4d baby ultrasound up until the very last – presentation ultrasound scan.
Very often when the couples arrive together, that magic and the thrill of seeing your unborn baby is quite a potent moment. The energy that fills the room is incredibly powerful. The energy of light, happiness, and all the good things that make us what we are – humans.
We hope you will enjoy the video as much as we did filming it with these fabulous people – the artists and the entire crew.
Our special thanks to our loveliest patient who has provided her consent to use the images of her own baby for this video.
If you have any questions regarding pregnancy scans drop us a line, read our blog post – The Journey of Pregnancy, or call us.
Share the joy and keep well!
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